Provide agencies with greater data crossover capabilities, to speed up investigations,
case management, and reporting tools they need to respond to crime in real time.
The digital transformation, cyber security, data driven approach, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, are today crucial and have set priorities for the world defense industry and law enforcement agencies.
logistic support
ULTRA can revolutionize the logistic support of any weapon system. In fact, the predictive analysis applied to the military logistics of a given asset (JFS - F35 for example) used in a specific theater of operations, allows us to predict where and when to intervene with maintenance activities, minimizing the risk of failures and maximizing the operational effectiveness of the instrument.
It is in the operational component of the defense / security / intelligence sector that the interpolation of financial data, traces of movements, HUMINT information, social media and big data in general allow ULTRA to group threats by category and priority, equipping the operator with an incredible ability to process information in multi-environment contexts very quickly.
This technology allows the visualization and identification in real time of "mega and micro trends" which, even in the field of security and defense, allow a reading of complex realities with a clarity and speed that are not comparable to human analysis.
Applications of this type are at the forefront in terms of "threat detections and predictions" in fields of primary interest such as drug trafficking, smuggling and counterfeiting and money laundering because they allow the analyst to have a link analysis developed with rapidity and scientific accuracy .